
F4- Digitization of processes in the educational-administrative field

Prof. Matteo Segatto

The instrumental function F4 " Digital solutions and dematerialisation of processes in the teaching and administrative fields" is covered by prof. MATTEO SEGATTO.

Area of competence

The task of this figure is to identify the processes and workflows in the administrative, educational and personnel fields to which to apply digital solutions to facilitate dematerialisation. The instrumental figure works closely with the Digital Animator and with the Manager, also supporting the processes for the creation of innovative digital teaching environments and self-assessment.

The professor. MATTEO SEGATTO is Professor of Philosophy and History and coordinator of the VICO Department. In 2020 he was part of the team that introduced and supported the tools for the implementation of distance learning, also carrying out training activities. In the SY 2021-2022 he was tutor in the course "GALILEI FUTURE LABS PLUS - DIGITAL STRATEGY FOR A SYSTEM INNOVATION" carried out by the Galilei High School.