
Project guidelines of the Erasmo department

In its function as an Interdepartmental Linguistic Center, it is the heart and the nerve center of foreign language teaching at the Galilei High School, as well as the driving force behind innovative thrusts at a methodological level for the entire institute. In its task of enhancing and raising the quality of training planning, teaching and learning, the L2 department is engaged both in theoretical linguistic research areas and in more properly applied and experimental areas pertaining to innovative teaching of foreign languages.

The Department collaborates with various local, national and international cultural and university institutions, organizes linguistic internships abroad, promotes the certification of skills and operates in the management of international student and teacher mobility projects according to cooperation schemes in the fields of education, culture, and science to meet the needs of young people in a multilingual and multicultural Europe.

The Department's activities promote the construction of an international curriculum through new learning environments and using different modes of expression (public speaking), new communication tools and debate platforms on current topics such as human rights, ecology, gender equality, economics, international relations


The structure of the PLE


Cambridge ESOL Exam Certificate

The External Certification of Linguistic Competences allows for the monitoring of the Students' curricular linguistic Portfolio, now assimilated by our system of training credits, based on the reference levels B1-B2-C1-C2 of the Common European Framework and is also valid for the recognition of university credit for outgoing students.


Integrated teaching for parallel classes in L2 English - Third classes

In order to fully fulfill its mission, the school has the obligation to ensure that all students achieve certain levels of competence.

COMPETENCE-BASED SYLLABUS - Focusing attention on the intermediate and final results, it is understood that to do this it is necessary to identify areas for enhancement, improvement and corrective actions, even if this implies a change, with innovative educational and teaching practices, modulating processes and activities in a flexible way starting from the specific characteristics of individual students, groups of students and the specificity of what must be learned. The CBS Competence based syllabus project for L2 English in Galileo's Terze classes consistently responds to the need to expand the training offer according to individual cognitive needs by allocating a period of teaching activity to recovery, consolidation and strengthening. The organization of groups for specific skills and levels of skills promotes new educational scenarios and facilitates the response to the requests of different cognitive styles, allowing for the planning of functional teaching interventions. The possibility of interacting with teachers other than their own is, for students, an opportunity for comparison with different communication and operational methods, while meeting other students from different classes offers further opportunities for discussion, stimulates the spirit of adaptation, cooperation and leadership, and tends to reconfigure relationships, behaviors and learning. Finally, for teachers, this working methodology, in addition to researching, developing and experimenting with new projects, allows them to overcome many operational ambiguities and to precisely set objectives and working methods.


From the point of view of the L2 curriculum, the new curricular paths of global citizenship are placed between teaching and laboratory, between research and experimentation of innovative teaching methods and effective learning environments, between school and territory, between local and global, launching a model that integrates learning teaching units connected to themes of global citizenship and social learning with the specific use of the L2 in Global Citizenship Syllabus reference to functional communication skills and the development of soft skills such as:

- negotiation strategies
- public speaking
- conflict resolution,
- research and communication,
- ability to exercise leadership
- ability to work in team

The path of the syllabus First approach to curricular education in Global Citizenship English Syllabus 2018-2019 aims to

introduce and understand the fundamental issues affecting the global community
increase students' awareness of the interdependence between global and local and how local communities are strongly connected and influenced by the global context.
stimulate and make effective the involvement of students in social learning projects by understanding their impact at different levels
develop skills for analyzing and evaluating different points of view in relation to global issues
strengthen communicative and functional skills in L2
provide significant and accessible content, emphasizing the political, cultural, technological, environmental and social aspects
consolidate skills to educate in interculturality, integration and global citizenship
encourage the design of learning paths aimed at developing active citizenship skills in pupils,

Planned topics UNESCO Global Citizenship Syllabus

  • international organizations and decision-making processes in democratic societies
  • cultural identity, ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, prejudice and stereotyping
  • globalization, integration, interculturality
  • teaching and classroom management
  • peer-education and interculturality
  • peace education, intercultural and religious dialogue
  • migratory phenomena and the European cultural space
  • plurilingual and interlingual curriculum and environment
  • active citizenship practices in relation to the needs of the community
  • language skills B2 plus
  • cultural assessment and variability


prog. Flipped Class- Prime Classes.pdf
CBS Competence based syllabus
CBS Rating Questionnaire .pdf
PLE DOSSIER doc copy 2.pdf
MEWP 2018-2019 .pdf
CBS Competence based syllabus EN .pdf