
EYP national selection TRENTO 2022

EYP Trento 2022

Another EYP National Session just ended in Trento. Amazing opportunity to debate for Vittorio Caiazza, Jacopo Biachini, Sthephan Njemcevic , Giancarlo Rella , Giacomo Redivo and Jan Bassi (who attended session in Pordenone).

The Eyp experience however was not limited to public speaking or eloquence in expressing ideas. Preparing for an EYP session also increases critical thinking and essay writing skills. You will also conduct research in order to support your side of the argument, which can improve your abilities to assess references and analyze data. Indeed Eyp can be an effective way to develop the skills needed to become a modern citizen in the 21st century, including collaboration, communication, and creativity.

EYP NS Trento 2022