
CLIL pathways Year SC. 2019-20

CLIL courses in English activated in the current school year

The choice of disciplines involved in the CLIL teaching methodology is based on the following principles:

  • consider the disciplines characterizing the field of study as a stimulus to motivation;
  • refer to disciplines that use a multiplicity of languages, and non-verbal support strategies, to favor or support the learning of the discipline in L2;
  • qualify the professional profile of the teachers involved.

As regards the specialist skills of the teachers, the pathways activated are entrusted to specialized teaching staff or experts in the CLIL methodology with a linguistic proficiency level between B2 and C2 of the CEFR, in line with the profile of the CLIL teacher traced at ministerial level. CLIL The levels of competence Teachers

In order to guarantee the full implementation of the CLIL teaching activity, there is a CLIL coordination team made up of the head teacher, the institution's CLIL contact person and teachers from the L2-English Department.

natural sciences:

Mod: DPT LND 001 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) - Prof.ssa Luin

Rationale : The module will focus on genome editing , a group of technologies that give scientists the ability to change an organism's DNA. These technologies allow genetic material to be added, removed, or altered at particular locations in the genome and can be used to modify the genome of some organisms (GMOs, genetically modified organisms), in order to generate new varieties or to cancel, induce or change a characteristic of the organism.

Students will be able to explore the applications of GMOs, understand their potential and assess their risks. They will also interact in group work and present their findings through an involving debate.

Mod: DPT LND 002 Stem Cells - Prof.ssa Luin

Rationale: Stem cells are cells with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body; they serve as a repair system for the body

Why are doctors and scientists so excited about stem cells? Is it real that stem cells may one day be used to make cells and tissues for therapy of many diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, spinal cord injury, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis? The module will lead students to build their own knowledge and to the understanding of the topic through inquiry-based learning strategies that prioritize their questions, ideas and analyzes

Mod: DPT LND 003 Global sustainability - Prof. Nichetto

Rationale: How has the homo sapiens changed Earth? Why is climate changing? Can homo sapiens change something again on Earth? These are questions that still need to be answered; Students will explore facts and try to answer these questions by building up evidence from given materials.

Mod:DPT LND 004 DNA editing - Prof.ssa Nichetto

Rationale: What does editing DNA mean? What is it for? Which is considered to be the best technique, so far? Students will research the topic and collect information from available studies to find out what is now the state of the art of research.

Mod:DPT LND 005 Ancient and modern biotechnologies - Prof. Baruffo

Rationale: it is not just a “modern affair”. For centuries, farmers have crossbred animals and plants in an effort to produce more and better foods. Thanks to science, biotechnology accelerates this lengthy process by allowing scientists to directly select specific traits. This module will update students about the differences between old biotechnology and modern biotechnology.

Mod:DPT LND 006 Biotechnology: restriction enzymes and Gene libraries -Prof. Baruffo

Rationale: biotechnology provides breakthrough products and technologies to combat diseases, feed the hungry, use cleaner energy, reduce our environmental footprint and have safer industrial manufacturing processes. But how does genetic engineering work? In this module students will focus on the scientific tools, developed in recent decades, that enable researchers to manipulate DNA.

Mod: DPT LND 007 Global changes - Prof. Godini

Rationale: Exponential growth of population, consumption of resources, increased demand of water, food and land, together with climate changes, are all interlinked aspects of a rapidly changing planet Earth. Student will discuss the interactions of these changes with human life and natural environment, by means of scientific data, videos and articles, taking into account the different "perspectives" and point of view.

Mod: DPT LND 008 Biotechnology - Prof. Godini

Rationale: This module will focus on some aspects of biotechnology like restriction enzymes, engineered microorganisms used to produce usefull drugs and the "Crispr" technology. Student will develop a basic vocabulary in order to understand videos and short scientific articles about these rapidly growing techniques that are changing research in biology and medicine


Mod:DPT VCO 001 The use of propaganda and the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party - Prof. Calandra di Roccolino

Rationale: the module will deal with the analysis and the meaning of nazi propaganda, starting from Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will" to Albert Speer's architecture.

Mod:DPT VCO 002 Metaethics (consequentialism and deontology) in “On liberty” by John Stuart Mill - Prof. Calandra di Roccolino

Rationale: the module will focus on the key words of Metaethics in the deontological approach and Utilitarianism and will be a guide to the study of Mill's masterwork.

Motor and Sports activity Sciences

Mod:DPT OLI 001 Warm up procedures in sports - Prof.ssa Tarabocchia

Rationale: this module will focus on the meaning and function of warming up techniques in different sport disciplines. Students will design goals and contents of team's warm-ups working, and the outcomes will be discussed in a group discussion.

Mod:DPT OLI 002 Social inclusion/integration: ultimate frisbee and sitting volley - Prof.ssa Tarabocchia

Rationale: in this module “Ultimate Frisbee” and “Sitting Volley” will be used as a didactical tool for a better social integration, intercultural communication and understanding of different needs at motor level.

Mod: DPT OLI 003 Health Prevention: Toxic Elements in every day products following the studies of Dr. Samuel Epstein - Prof.ssa Manzato

Rationale: the module will enable students to learn, through a " L2 decoder key" and roleplay techniques , how to recognise, from a list of ingredients, the nutritional elements that may damage the human immune system. They will also be able to implement strategies to mitigate against nociceptive aggressions, identify trusted brands and gradually develop an independent method for critical and informed assessment of dietary styles.

Mod:DPT OLI 004 Learning how to conduct a Warm-Up in English for injury prevention - Connecting cognitive to motor parts of the brain and body-the function of 'Mirror Neurons' - Prof.ssa Manzato

Rationale: in   this module students will learn how to identify body districts and their functioning and use verbs of motion related to activities necessary to get mentally ready for the game ahead. Students will also learn how to practice skills and prepare themselves for the movements they will be required to carry out during the activity. Language skills will be enhanced through roleplays and peer activities which will allow students to engage in practical situations explaining to each other, in appropriate language and register, the correct choice of warm-up exercises and the mistakes to avoid while, at the same time, linking their cognitive skills to a practical dimension through the firing of mirror neurons.

Further specifications CLIL- The sensitive lesson

Each modular path is characterized by the following common denominators:

▪ progression of contents and knowledge and non-repetition of elements of the curriculum previously carried out in Italian

▪ transmission of disciplinary contents in L2 through authentic texts or didactic material

▪ development of linguistic skills through the presence of tasks strongly linked to the disciplinary context and through the cognitive logic of the discipline concerned

▪ implementation of linguistic skills and strategies useful for dealing with complex disciplinary contents also in L1 (intelligible input )

▪ collaborative approaches in learning and studying the discipline strongly characterized by an intercultural perspective.