


ID 146149

The path includes 2 meetings that address the topic of digital literacy in relation to the uses and functions of the applications of the Platform used for integrated digital teaching in use in our school. The aim of the two meetings is to allow registered teachers to delve deeper into the following topics: understanding the digital learning environment and its integration into the school's methodological/didactic offering; grasp the possible use of the apps included in the platform at a technological, educational and organizational level; enrich the possibility of collaboration in all different educational scenarios and encourage digitally augmented teaching methodologies; provide a conceptual model that allows you to create and use concrete tools, suitable to respond to your needs as trainers and the needs of students; promote a common and coherent language to promote discussion and exchange of good practices at school;

The path includes workshops on the functionality of the following platform tools: the creation and management of Channels and Chats the management and planning of Meetings the sharing of resources and materials the organization of Activities the use of the Notepad the use of available applications real-time collaboration on Word, Excel and PowerPoint files and the construction and use of evaluation forms

Digital animator: internal staff training