
Chess Championships 2023-24


Student Chess Championships 2023- 2024



Excellent results for Galilei at the finals of the Student Chess Championships

Samuele Morgut Italian Junior champion on the fourth board

The national finals of the Student Chess Championships took place in Montesilvano (Pescara) from 11 to 15 May 2024. The Liceo Scientifico Galilei qualified four teams to the finals , one per category , the only institute in Italy together with the Liceo Salvemini of Sorrento. It was a great result, of which our Institute is proud, born from the experimental chess teaching project Promozione in Regina , in which around seventy students of all classes participated. The high school teams, by passing all the qualifying phases, demonstrated their quality and depth, although many students were absolute beginners and, unlike other high schools, there was no chess tradition. consolidated . The Promotion Project in Regina was coordinated by prof. Kirchmayr ( supervisor and beginner instructor) and by the prof. Amisano (organization and management) , with the precious collaboration of Jivan Tadevosyan (5th grade and advanced players instructor).

The experience at the national finals was unforgettable, exciting and engaging. The tournaments were of a very high quality, with very competitive teams from all over the country.

These are the formations, in board order. Absolute juniors: 1) Alessio Sion, 2) Andrea Benussi, 3) Daniel-Ange Desobgo-Djoumessi , 4) Samuele Morgut , r) Edoardo Pahor. Junior Women: 1) Selma Nja , 2) Giulia Bussani, 3) Soraya Fakih , 4) Giada Depetroni , r) Ayleen Pasqualis. 3) Absolute students: 1) Leonardo Tavano, 2) Alessio Giorgio Valussi , 3) Raphael Ivaldi, 4) Nicolas Dal Monego. Students: 1) Giovanna Siard , 2) Dana Puzzer , 3) Cristina Messina, 4) Sara Scopas .

Our teams all made themselves count, going beyond the positions of the starting blocks. The Juniors , starting from 46th, finished 37 out of 49 (+2 =1 -4), with 14 team points; the Juniors , starting from 21st, placed 18th out of 22nd (+2 =1 -4), with 10.5 team points; the Allievi started 35th and finished 33rd out of 55 (+2 =2 -3), with 14 team points; the students obtained an extraordinary 10th place out of 31 teams (+3 =3 -2), with 17 team points , starting 13th . The Championships were won by the Liceo Scientifico Vercelli of Asti with 13.5/14 for the absolute Junior category , by the ISS Primo Levi of Montebelluna (TV) with 13/14 for the Junior Female category ; from the Liceo Scientifico Galilei of Palermo, with 13/14 , for the Absolute Students category and from Enriques Scientific High School in Rome, with 12/14 for the Student category .

Dana Puzzer (1C, Juniors) and Samuele Morgut (5G, Juniores) scored 7 victories out of 7 on the second and fourth boards respectively. Dana was 3rd only by technical tie-breaker , thus winning the category bronze, while Samuele was the best 4th on the board of the Junior tournament and therefore Italian champion .

Other very respectable performances were those of Sara Scopas (3C), who ranked 10th in the 4th Allieve board, with 4.5/7 (+4 =1 -2); by Nicolas Dal Monego (2 D ), undefeated in the 4th Allievi board, with 5/7 (+3 =4 -0) and by Giada Depetroni (4E), in the 4th Junior women's board, with a flattering score of 3/4 ( +3 =0 -1).

The Liceo Galilei is the only institute in the region to do the en plein
style="text-align: center;"> Four teams qualified for the national finals across four categories

chess winners

The girls and boys of our institute managed to qualify all the teams for the Student Chess Championships, which took place in Pordenone on 13 April.

It was played over 5 rounds, with mixed groups (absolute and women's teams together) and with a Swiss system. The junior and student women's teams performed well, despite having already qualified by right for the national finals. The Junior team confirmed second place in the provincial championships, behind the Liceo Preseren , while the Allieve team was second in the category by technical play-off, behind the Liceo Leopardi-Majorana of Pordenone and trailed only by a gap.

The boys have a more difficult task, having to face very competitive teams, starting with the teams from the Copernico High School in Udine, who won first place in both the student and junior categories.

The Galilei students showed off another high-level performance, after that of the provincial tournament, with a heart-pounding competition finale . Eighth in the ranking at the start of the last round, due to two penalty points due to an oversight in the board order in the first round, with a peremptory 4-0 victory in the last round the students managed to move up five places in the ranking, finishing third for technical play-off, behind the Oberdan cousins. Despite having the same score and a higher number of victories than Oberdan (14 against 12), the two penalty points deprived the boys of the satisfaction of second place. Among the students worth mentioning are the scores of Alessio Valussi on the third board, with 5 victories out of 5, and of Raphael Ivaldi on the fourth board, with 4 out of 5.

Finally, the real feat was led by the male juniors. In the starting ranks they could be considered the fifth or sixth formation as a playing force, behind the teams of Copernico, Oberdan, Preseren , Malignani and Leopardi-Majorana. Strengthened by preparation that has lasted since the beginning of March under the expert supervision of Jivan Tadevosyan and thanks to an out of the ordinary motivation, the juniors lost only one direct match , against Oberdan, and only due to fortuitous circumstances. They put together a series of exceptional performances (with 3 wins and a draw), finishing third behind Copernicus and Oberdan. Excellent performances from all the players, among which that of Giacomo Canale on the third board stands out (4 out of 5).

Women's junior team: Giulia Bussani, Selma Nya , Soraya Fakih , Giada Depetroni , Ayleen Pasqualis.

Female student team: Dana Puzzer , Cristina Messina, Sara Scopas , Giovanna Siard .

Junior men's team: Andrea Benussi, Daniel-Ange Desobgo-Djoumessi , Giacomo Canale, Samuele Morgut , Alessio Sion.

Men's student team: Leonardo Tavano, Nicolas Dal Monego, Alessio Valussi , Raphael Ivaldi, Marco Giurgevich .

The national finals will take place from 12 to 15 May in Montesilvano (PE).

The Allievi Femminile and Allievi Maschile 1 teams first in the provincial phase

Provincial phase

On February 29th our high school participated in the provincial phase of the Sacchi Student Championships, which was held in Opicina, in the ZKB headquarters. The Liceo Galilei was present well six teams , the largest representative of all , fielding 10 players and 22 men . The Female Students and Male Students 1 and 2 and the Female and Male Juniores 1 and 2 teams competed in the four category tournaments. Two trophies won (Female Students and Male Students 1), a silver (Junior Female), one bronze (Junior Men), two fourth places (Allievi Maschili 2 and Junior Men 2).

The Allievi Femminile and Allievi Maschile 1 teams stood out in the competition, winning the first position . The Allievi Femminile team has dominated the tournament , with monstrous performances on all four boards, winning 21 points out of the 24 available and finishing the competition with full points. The individual performances of Dana Puzzer on the first board , by Cristina Messina on the third board, with 6 victories out of 6 matches, and of Sara Scopas on the fourth board, with 3 victories out of 3 matches. Score clearly above average also from Alessia Pascarella on the second board, with 4 out of 6, and of Giovanna Siard on the fourth board, with 2 out of 3 , who made an extraordinary contribution to the victory.

The Junior Women's team placed second in their category, one gap behind their peers at Preseren High School. The individual and team scoreboard of the 4E girls, all beginners and fresh from the Institute course, is very noteworthy. With second place Giulia Bussani , Selmasvg+xml;base64,+'));="" border-bottom:transparent;background-position-x:0%;background-position-y:100%'="">Nya , Ayleen Pasqualis , Soraya Fakih e Giada Depetroni earned on the field and with skill the right to participate in the regional phase of the Student Championships, which will be held in Pordenone on April 13th.

Institute phase

Thanks to the technical support of the Societ Scacchistica Triestina 1904, the Institute phase of the Student Chess Championships took place on Friday 16 February in the spaces of the high school headquarters.

Participation was large , with 47 male and female students from all classes . For the first time, a tournament dedicated only to female players was held.

The tournament took place over 5 rounds, with a reflection time of 10 minutes, without increment, and coupled with the Swiss system.

The women's tournament was won by Alessia Pascarella (3F), with 4.5/5 , second place was Giulia Bussani (4E), with 4/5 , and third Cristina Messina (3F), with 3.5/5.

In the men's tournament he prevailed with full points (5/5) J ivan Tadevosyan ( 5th ), who preceded Alessio Valussi (2F ) by technical tie-breaker . Giacomo Canale (4th) finished in third place , ahead of Andrea Benussi (5G) , Nicolas Dal Monego (2D), Raphael Ivaldi (2G) and Nicola Zucca (3G), all tied with 4/ 5 .

The results of the Institute tournament have allowed the composition of the high school teams that will participate in the Provincial Student Championships on February 29th. Galilei will present itself with a large and motivated team , with teams registered for all categories ( students and juniors, men and women ).

A game of chess

The richness of contents, ideas and suggestions leads us to consider chess as an activity with broad pedagogical potential, precisely because of the possibility of considering its cognitive, affective, social and expressive aspects.
The framework offered by the game of chess is a space in which to insert gaming activities, full use of thought, socialization, self-expression, respecting the stages of evolutionary development and in accordance with the purposes and values of responsible citizenship

In the gallery some images of moments from the provincial phase and the institute chess tournament

Our history

First place in the provincial team championships for the Junior category

Jivan Tadevosyan (captain), Edoardo Franceschina, Andrea Benussi, Samuele Morgut, Gianluca Verde

Second place in the Student category

Raphael Ivaldi (captain), Giacono Canale, Francesco Curzolo, Tommaso Rondi, Emanuele Mahnic

The teams qualified for the regional phase on April 15th in Pordenone

Chess trophy rules at school.pdf

Tornei Scacchi 2023-24
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