
Rome 2024: journey between institutions, science and faith

The meeting with the Holy Father occurred during a hearing during class V A's visit to Rome.

The students got to deliver to the Pope a document containing their reflections on the value of a just and equitable democracy and on the need to listen in dialogue between different cultures as a foundation for the progress of humanity. The young students also reiterated their responsibility and their commitment to safeguarding the fundamental values of democracy and the future of the planet.

At the end of the audience the class had a preview visit to the new headquarters of the Vatican Press Office where the Director Dr. Matteo Bruni spoke with them on the topic of communication today, on the limits and opportunities of social media and on the responsibility of journalists.

During the visit in Rome the class had the opportunity to meet the President and the health workers of the IRCCS Bambino Gesu Pediatric Hospital, the Magnificent Rector and the teachers of the Pontifical Lateran University who illustrated the new degree course in Science of Peace and international cooperation" and finally Prof. Oviedo of the Pontificia Antoniamun who focused on the relationship between science and faith, theme in which the students were involved in a two-year project coordinated by prof. Valentina Baldas.

The Roman experience, of which all participants appreciated the educational value, concluded with the meeting with the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Hon. Lorenzo Fontana, the guided tour of the Palazzo di Montecitorio and the possibility for students to attend the session of the Question time on Wednesday.

The visit took place from 15 to 18 April and the class was accompanied by teachers Baldas and Tarsia.

ROMA 2024
Papa Francesco guardie svizzere Sala stampa Vaticana Sala stampa vaticana 2 San Pietro - Basilica IRCCS Bambino Gesù Refettorio Antonianum Università lateranense Biblioteca Lateranense primavera romana Colosseo Cortile Antonianum Fontana di trevi Gruppo 5 A roma Scuola di Atene Camera dei Deputati - Sala delle donne Camera dei Deputati Sala della Regina